I’ve begun preliminary work on a new comicbook/ graphic novel project. It will again be a 100+pages book and will feature graphic stories based on song lyrics. I’ve been fascinated by the so called murder ballad (usually a song about a ‘crime passionel’ or some other grim event) for quite some time and I’ve always found they really fired up my imagination. The theme is going to be very dark (again) with lots of gloomy pinewoods and crows flying around. I’m still pondering which songs I’ll adapt but it’s going toe be a mix of modern ballads as well as traditional folk-songs. It’s going to be some time before you will find this book on your shelf, I’ve just begun sketching and writing it. But the sheer thrill of starting something new, to embark on a new ambitious project like this is exhilirating! This mock-up cover I made to enthuse my publisher. I’ll keep you posted on the progress of this new book right here on my website, so make sure to check back from time to time if you’re interested.
February 28, 2013