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May 14, 2015

A beautiful day

I was very happy to be asked to illustrate a children’s book accompanying a prestigious upcoming double feature exhibition of paintings by the two ‘fathers’ of modernism; Edvard Munch (N) and Vincent van Gogh (NL). The lovely story is called ‘A Beautiful Day’ (or in Dutch: ‘Een Prachtige Dag’) and it tells us of a fictional meeting of the two painters whom in real life never met. It was written by René van Blerk, a senior educator working for the Van Gogh museum here in Amsterdam. I was asked to take on the job of illustrating the story. Working on this children’s book (my first) was a pure delight for me. It was published by Rubinstein  a publishing house here in Amsterdam responsible for, amongst other lovely books, reviving the classic Golden Books series. It is published in Dutch, English and Norwegian.